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Once again, you should see “Item Name” pop up. It may be left as is, or modified
if you so desire.  Hit the [ENTER]  key.
Now you should see “Format for Export” pop up again. It may be left as is, or
modified if you so desire.  Hit the [ENTER]  key. 
Now you should see “Size of Item” pop up.  Refer to your printed Factor Table to
determine the size of the factor, or simply accept the default.  Hit the [ENTER] 
key again.  You should see “Is this information correct (Y/N)” pop up again.  If
the information is correct, all you need do is hit the [ENTER]  key. 
Examine the line above, where all of the choices we have just entered are
displayed, and verify that it reads correctly before proceeding. If any of the items
are incorrect, simply type N and hit the [ENTER]  key, and you will be brought
back to the beginning of the current data item entry procedure again, and you
may re-enter the data correctly.
If all the data was correct and you hit the [ENTER]  key, The number “4” should
now appear at the bottom left side of the screen, indicating that we are editing
Line 4, and you should again see “Card #” in green, and a cursor.
At this point we have entered all of the items that we wish to include in our export
table, so hit the [ESC] key.
The line of commands that reads:
Edit   Auto   Insert   Delete   Clear   Save   Quit   
Should now reappear at the bottom of your screen, and the word Edit should be
highlighted as shown. Move the highlight over to the word “Save” with the right
arrow [g] key as shown below, or type the letter S. 
Edit   Auto   Insert   Delete   Clear   Save   Quit  
Hit the [ENTER]  key.  At the bottom of the screen, you should see a message
pop up that says:
Warning: Current Format will be Overwritten.  Do you want to Continue?
Type in the letter Y and the message will go away.  You have now saved the
format of you export table.  Move the highlight over to the word “Quit” with the
right arrow [g] key as shown below, or type the letter Q.  
Edit   Auto   Insert   Delete   Clear   Save   Quit
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